HTML Char-Codes
Last update:
Yijing Hexagram Symbols
There are 64 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Yijing Hexagram Symbols Hex code range is between x04dc0 to x04dff, And between decimal html code from 19904 to 19967, Yijing Hexagram Symbols first reference is- ䷀ and the last one is- ䷿
䷀ ䷁ ䷂ ䷃ ䷄ ䷅ ䷆ ䷇ ䷈ ䷉ ䷊ ䷋ ䷌ ䷍ ䷎ ䷏ ䷐ ䷑ ䷒ ䷓ ䷔ ䷕ ䷖ ䷗ ䷘ ䷙ ䷚ ䷛ ䷜ ䷝ ䷞ ䷟ ䷠ ䷡ ䷢ ䷣ ䷤ ䷥ ䷦ ䷧ ䷨ ䷩ ䷪ ䷫ ䷬ ䷭ ䷮ ䷯ ䷰ ䷱ ䷲ ䷳ ䷴ ䷵ ䷶ ䷷ ䷸ ䷹ ䷺ ䷻ ䷼ ䷽ ䷾ ䷿ 一
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 19904 to 19936
html code ䷀
Hex code dc0
html code ䷁
Hex code dc1
html code ䷂
Hex code dc2
html code ䷃
Hex code dc3
html code ䷄
Hex code dc4
html code ䷅
Hex code dc5
html code ䷆
Hex code dc6
html code ䷇
Hex code dc7
html code ䷈
Hex code dc8
html code ䷉
Hex code dc9
html code ䷊
Hex code dca
html code ䷋
Hex code dcb
html code ䷌
Hex code dcc
html code ䷍
Hex code dcd
html code ䷎
Hex code dce
html code ䷏
Hex code dcf
html code ䷐
Hex code dd0
html code ䷑
Hex code dd1
html code ䷒
Hex code dd2
html code ䷓
Hex code dd3
html code ䷔
Hex code dd4
html code ䷕
Hex code dd5
html code ䷖
Hex code dd6
html code ䷗
Hex code dd7
html code ䷘
Hex code dd8
html code ䷙
Hex code dd9
html code ䷚
Hex code dda
html code ䷛
Hex code ddb
html code ䷜
Hex code ddc
html code ䷝
Hex code ddd
html code ䷞
Hex code dde
html code ䷟
Hex code ddf
html code ䷠
Hex code de0
html code ䷡
Hex code de1
html code ䷢
Hex code de2
HTML codes from 19936 to 19968
html code ䷠
Hex code de0
html code ䷡
Hex code de1
html code ䷢
Hex code de2
html code ䷣
Hex code de3
html code ䷤
Hex code de4
html code ䷥
Hex code de5
html code ䷦
Hex code de6
html code ䷧
Hex code de7
html code ䷨
Hex code de8
html code ䷩
Hex code de9
html code ䷪
Hex code dea
html code ䷫
Hex code deb
html code ䷬
Hex code dec
html code ䷭
Hex code ded
html code ䷮
Hex code dee
html code ䷯
Hex code def
html code ䷰
Hex code df0
html code ䷱
Hex code df1
html code ䷲
Hex code df2
html code ䷳
Hex code df3
html code ䷴
Hex code df4
html code ䷵
Hex code df5
html code ䷶
Hex code df6
html code ䷷
Hex code df7
html code ䷸
Hex code df8
html code ䷹
Hex code df9
html code ䷺
Hex code dfa
html code ䷻
Hex code dfb
html code ䷼
Hex code dfc
html code ䷽
Hex code dfd
html code ䷾
Hex code dfe
html code ䷿
Hex code dff
html code 一
Hex code e00
html code 丁
Hex code e01
html code 丂
Hex code e02