Latest challenges
Successful POC on 2019
Version 1.0 released in 2021 The system is based on a lot of asynchronous end jobs and handles Big Data.
Version 1.0 released in 2021 The system is based on a lot of asynchronous end jobs and handles Big Data.
Light online tools for designers.
Initial version was realesed on 2020.
Blog style, Knowlege base for developers.
Initial version was realesed on 2021.
Unique measurements conversion.
Initial version was realesed on 2021.
Machine learning solution for timeline.
Beta version was realesed on January 2022.
Beta version was realesed on January 2022.
CTO Services
Web Development
Startup Consulting
Sharon has over 25 years of experience as a software architect, technology leader, senior developer, quality manager, team leader, life cycle manager, senior developer, total quality manager, team leader, entrepreneur, and CTO.
You can enjoy real experience gained over many years, with hard work, failures and successes.