HTML Char-Codes
Last update:
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
There are 96 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Tai Xuan Jing Symbols Hex code range is between x1d300 to x1d35f, And between decimal html code from 119552 to 119647, Tai Xuan Jing Symbols first reference is- 𝌀 and the last one is-
𝌀 𝌁 𝌂 𝌃 𝌄 𝌅 𝌆 𝌇 𝌈 𝌉 𝌊 𝌋 𝌌 𝌍 𝌎 𝌏 𝌐 𝌑 𝌒 𝌓 𝌔 𝌕 𝌖 𝌗 𝌘 𝌙 𝌚 𝌛 𝌜 𝌝 𝌞 𝌟 𝌠 𝌡 𝌢 𝌣 𝌤 𝌥 𝌦 𝌧 𝌨 𝌩 𝌪 𝌫 𝌬 𝌭 𝌮 𝌯 𝌰 𝌱 𝌲 𝌳 𝌴 𝌵 𝌶 𝌷 𝌸 𝌹 𝌺 𝌻 𝌼 𝌽 𝌾 𝌿 𝍀 𝍁 𝍂 𝍃 𝍄 𝍅 𝍆 𝍇 𝍈 𝍉 𝍊 𝍋 𝍌 𝍍 𝍎 𝍏 𝍐 𝍑 𝍒 𝍓 𝍔 𝍕 𝍖 𝍠
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 119552 to 119600
html code 𝌀
Hex code d300
html code 𝌁
Hex code d301
html code 𝌂
Hex code d302
html code 𝌃
Hex code d303
html code 𝌄
Hex code d304
html code 𝌅
Hex code d305
html code 𝌆
Hex code d306
html code 𝌇
Hex code d307
html code 𝌈
Hex code d308
html code 𝌉
Hex code d309
html code 𝌊
Hex code d30a
html code 𝌋
Hex code d30b
html code 𝌌
Hex code d30c
html code 𝌍
Hex code d30d
html code 𝌎
Hex code d30e
html code 𝌏
Hex code d30f
html code 𝌐
Hex code d310
html code 𝌑
Hex code d311
html code 𝌒
Hex code d312
html code 𝌓
Hex code d313
html code 𝌔
Hex code d314
html code 𝌕
Hex code d315
html code 𝌖
Hex code d316
html code 𝌗
Hex code d317
html code 𝌘
Hex code d318
html code 𝌙
Hex code d319
html code 𝌚
Hex code d31a
html code 𝌛
Hex code d31b
html code 𝌜
Hex code d31c
html code 𝌝
Hex code d31d
html code 𝌞
Hex code d31e
html code 𝌟
Hex code d31f
html code 𝌠
Hex code d320
html code 𝌡
Hex code d321
html code 𝌢
Hex code d322
html code 𝌣
Hex code d323
html code 𝌤
Hex code d324
html code 𝌥
Hex code d325
html code 𝌦
Hex code d326
html code 𝌧
Hex code d327
html code 𝌨
Hex code d328
html code 𝌩
Hex code d329
html code 𝌪
Hex code d32a
html code 𝌫
Hex code d32b
html code 𝌬
Hex code d32c
html code 𝌭
Hex code d32d
html code 𝌮
Hex code d32e
html code 𝌯
Hex code d32f
html code 𝌰
Hex code d330
html code 𝌱
Hex code d331
HTML codes from 119600 to 119648
html code 𝌰
Hex code d330
html code 𝌱
Hex code d331
html code 𝌲
Hex code d332
html code 𝌳
Hex code d333
html code 𝌴
Hex code d334
html code 𝌵
Hex code d335
html code 𝌶
Hex code d336
html code 𝌷
Hex code d337
html code 𝌸
Hex code d338
html code 𝌹
Hex code d339
html code 𝌺
Hex code d33a
html code 𝌻
Hex code d33b
html code 𝌼
Hex code d33c
html code 𝌽
Hex code d33d
html code 𝌾
Hex code d33e
html code 𝌿
Hex code d33f
html code 𝍀
Hex code d340
html code 𝍁
Hex code d341
html code 𝍂
Hex code d342
html code 𝍃
Hex code d343
html code 𝍄
Hex code d344
html code 𝍅
Hex code d345
html code 𝍆
Hex code d346
html code 𝍇
Hex code d347
html code 𝍈
Hex code d348
html code 𝍉
Hex code d349
html code 𝍊
Hex code d34a
html code 𝍋
Hex code d34b
html code 𝍌
Hex code d34c
html code 𝍍
Hex code d34d
html code 𝍎
Hex code d34e
html code 𝍏
Hex code d34f
html code 𝍐
Hex code d350
html code 𝍑
Hex code d351
html code 𝍒
Hex code d352
html code 𝍓
Hex code d353
html code 𝍔
Hex code d354
html code 𝍕
Hex code d355
html code 𝍖
Hex code d356
html code 𝍗
Hex code d357
html code 𝍘
Hex code d358
html code 𝍙
Hex code d359
html code 𝍚
Hex code d35a
html code 𝍛
Hex code d35b
html code 𝍜
Hex code d35c
html code 𝍝
Hex code d35d
html code 𝍞
Hex code d35e
html code 𝍟
Hex code d35f
html code 𝍠
Hex code d360
html code 𝍡
Hex code d361