HTML Char-Codes
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Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A
There are 144 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A Hex code range is between x1fa70 to x1faff, And between decimal html code from 129648 to 129791, Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A first reference is- 🩰 and the last one is-
🩰 🩱 🩲 🩳 🩴 🩵 🩶 🩷 🩸 🩹 🩺 🩻 🩼 🪀 🪁 🪂 🪃 🪄 🪅 🪆 🪇 🪈 🪐 🪑 🪒 🪓 🪔 🪕 🪖 🪗 🪘 🪙 🪚 🪛 🪜 🪝 🪞 🪟 🪠 🪡 🪢 🪣 🪤 🪥 🪦 🪧 🪨 🪩 🪪 🪫 🪬 🪭 🪮 🪯 🪰 🪱 🪲 🪳 🪴 🪵 🪶 🪷 🪸 🪹 🪺 🪻 🪼 🪽 🪿 🫀 🫁 🫂 🫃 🫄 🫅 🫎 🫏 🫐 🫑 🫒 🫓 🫔 🫕 🫖 🫗 🫘 🫙 🫚 🫛 🫠 🫡 🫢 🫣 🫤 🫥 🫦 🫧 🫨 🫰 🫱 🫲 🫳 🫴 🫵 🫶 🫷 🫸 🬀
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 129648 to 129720
html code 🩰
Hex code fa70
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Hex code fa71
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Hex code fa72
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Hex code fa73
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Hex code fa74
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Hex code fa75
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Hex code fa76
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Hex code fa7a
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Hex code fa89
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Hex code fa90
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Hex code faaa
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Hex code faac
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Hex code faad
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Hex code faae
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Hex code faaf
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Hex code fab0
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Hex code fab6
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Hex code fab7
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Hex code fab8
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Hex code fab9
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Hex code faba
HTML codes from 129720 to 129792
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Hex code fab8
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Hex code faba
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Hex code faca
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Hex code facc
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Hex code facd
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Hex code face
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Hex code facf
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Hex code fada
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Hex code fadb
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Hex code fadd
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Hex code fade
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Hex code fadf
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Hex code fae0
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Hex code faea
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Hex code faeb
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Hex code faec
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Hex code faef
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Hex code faf0
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Hex code fafa
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Hex code fafb
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Hex code fafc
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Hex code fafd
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Hex code fafe
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Hex code faff
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Hex code fb00
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Hex code fb01
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Hex code fb02