HTML Char-Codes
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Playing Cards
There are 96 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Playing Cards Hex code range is between x1f0a0 to x1f0ff, And between decimal html code from 127136 to 127231, Playing Cards first reference is- 🂠 and the last one is-
🂠 🂡 🂢 🂣 🂤 🂥 🂦 🂧 🂨 🂩 🂪 🂫 🂬 🂭 🂮 🂱 🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂼 🂽 🂾 🂿 🃁 🃂 🃃 🃄 🃅 🃆 🃇 🃈 🃉 🃊 🃋 🃌 🃍 🃎 🃏 🃑 🃒 🃓 🃔 🃕 🃖 🃗 🃘 🃙 🃚 🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞 🃟 🃠 🃡 🃢 🃣 🃤 🃥 🃦 🃧 🃨 🃩 🃪 🃫 🃬 🃭 🃮 🃯 🃰 🃱 🃲 🃳 🃴 🃵 🄀
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 127136 to 127184
html code 🂠
Hex code f0a0
html code 🂡
Hex code f0a1
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Hex code f0a2
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Hex code f0a3
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Hex code f0a4
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Hex code f0a5
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Hex code f0a6
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Hex code f0a7
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Hex code f0a8
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Hex code f0a9
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Hex code f0aa
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Hex code f0ab
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Hex code f0ac
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Hex code f0ad
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Hex code f0ae
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Hex code f0af
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Hex code f0b0
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Hex code f0b1
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Hex code f0b2
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Hex code f0b3
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Hex code f0b4
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Hex code f0b5
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Hex code f0b6
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Hex code f0b7
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Hex code f0b8
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Hex code f0b9
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Hex code f0ba
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Hex code f0bb
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Hex code f0bc
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Hex code f0bd
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Hex code f0be
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Hex code f0bf
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Hex code f0c0
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Hex code f0c1
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Hex code f0c2
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Hex code f0c3
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Hex code f0c4
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Hex code f0c5
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Hex code f0c6
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Hex code f0c7
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Hex code f0c8
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Hex code f0c9
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Hex code f0ca
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Hex code f0cb
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Hex code f0cc
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Hex code f0cd
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Hex code f0ce
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Hex code f0cf
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Hex code f0d0
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Hex code f0d1
HTML codes from 127184 to 127232
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Hex code f0d0
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Hex code f0d1
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Hex code f0d2
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Hex code f0d3
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Hex code f0d6
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Hex code f0d7
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Hex code f0d8
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Hex code f0d9
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Hex code f0da
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Hex code f0db
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Hex code f0dc
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Hex code f0dd
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Hex code f0de
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Hex code f0df
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Hex code f0e0
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Hex code f0e1
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Hex code f0e2
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Hex code f0e3
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Hex code f0e4
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Hex code f0e5
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Hex code f0e6
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Hex code f0e7
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Hex code f0e8
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Hex code f0e9
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Hex code f0ea
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Hex code f0eb
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Hex code f0ec
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Hex code f0f0
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Hex code f0f2
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Hex code f0f4
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Hex code f0f5
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Hex code f0f6
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Hex code f0f7
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Hex code f0f8
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Hex code f0f9
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Hex code f0fa
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Hex code f0fb
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Hex code f0fc
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Hex code f0fd
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Hex code f0fe
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Hex code f0ff
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Hex code f100
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Hex code f101