HTML Char-Codes
Last update:
Ornamental Dingbats
There are 48 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Ornamental Dingbats Hex code range is between x1f650 to x1f67f, And between decimal html code from 128592 to 128639, Ornamental Dingbats first reference is- 🙐 and the last one is- 🙿
🙐 🙑 🙒 🙓 🙔 🙕 🙖 🙗 🙘 🙙 🙚 🙛 🙜 🙝 🙞 🙟 🙠 🙡 🙢 🙣 🙤 🙥 🙦 🙧 🙨 🙩 🙪 🙫 🙬 🙭 🙮 🙯 🙰 🙱 🙲 🙳 🙴 🙵 🙶 🙷 🙸 🙹 🙺 🙻 🙼 🙽 🙾 🙿 🚀
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 128592 to 128616
html code 🙐
Hex code f650
html code 🙑
Hex code f651
html code 🙒
Hex code f652
html code 🙓
Hex code f653
html code 🙔
Hex code f654
html code 🙕
Hex code f655
html code 🙖
Hex code f656
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Hex code f657
html code 🙘
Hex code f658
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Hex code f659
html code 🙚
Hex code f65a
html code 🙛
Hex code f65b
html code 🙜
Hex code f65c
html code 🙝
Hex code f65d
html code 🙞
Hex code f65e
html code 🙟
Hex code f65f
html code 🙠
Hex code f660
html code 🙡
Hex code f661
html code 🙢
Hex code f662
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Hex code f663
html code 🙤
Hex code f664
html code 🙥
Hex code f665
html code 🙦
Hex code f666
html code 🙧
Hex code f667
html code 🙨
Hex code f668
HTML codes from 128616 to 128640
html code 🙨
Hex code f668
html code 🙩
Hex code f669
html code 🙪
Hex code f66a
html code 🙫
Hex code f66b
html code 🙬
Hex code f66c
html code 🙭
Hex code f66d
html code 🙮
Hex code f66e
html code 🙯
Hex code f66f
html code 🙰
Hex code f670
html code 🙱
Hex code f671
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Hex code f672
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Hex code f673
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Hex code f674
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Hex code f675
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Hex code f676
html code 🙷
Hex code f677
html code 🙸
Hex code f678
html code 🙹
Hex code f679
html code 🙺
Hex code f67a
html code 🙻
Hex code f67b
html code 🙼
Hex code f67c
html code 🙽
Hex code f67d
html code 🙾
Hex code f67e
html code 🙿
Hex code f67f
html code 🚀
Hex code f680