HTML Char-Codes
Last update:
Geometric Shapes Extended
There are 128 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Geometric Shapes Extended Hex code range is between x1f780 to x1f7ff, And between decimal html code from 128896 to 129023, Geometric Shapes Extended first reference is- 🞀 and the last one is-
🞀 🞁 🞂 🞃 🞄 🞅 🞆 🞇 🞈 🞉 🞊 🞋 🞌 🞍 🞎 🞏 🞐 🞑 🞒 🞓 🞔 🞕 🞖 🞗 🞘 🞙 🞚 🞛 🞜 🞝 🞞 🞟 🞠 🞡 🞢 🞣 🞤 🞥 🞦 🞧 🞨 🞩 🞪 🞫 🞬 🞭 🞮 🞯 🞰 🞱 🞲 🞳 🞴 🞵 🞶 🞷 🞸 🞹 🞺 🞻 🞼 🞽 🞾 🞿 🟀 🟁 🟂 🟃 🟄 🟅 🟆 🟇 🟈 🟉 🟊 🟋 🟌 🟍 🟎 🟏 🟐 🟑 🟒 🟓 🟔 🟕 🟖 🟗 🟘 🟙 🟠 🟡 🟢 🟣 🟤 🟥 🟦 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟪 🟫 🟰 🠀
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 128896 to 128960
html code 🞀
Hex code f780
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Hex code f781
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Hex code f782
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Hex code f783
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Hex code f784
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Hex code f785
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Hex code f786
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Hex code f787
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Hex code f788
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Hex code f789
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Hex code f78a
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Hex code f78b
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Hex code f78c
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Hex code f78d
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Hex code f78e
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Hex code f78f
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Hex code f790
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Hex code f791
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Hex code f792
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Hex code f793
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Hex code f794
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Hex code f795
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Hex code f796
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Hex code f797
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Hex code f798
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Hex code f799
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Hex code f79a
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Hex code f79b
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Hex code f79c
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Hex code f79d
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Hex code f79e
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Hex code f79f
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Hex code f7a0
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Hex code f7a1
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Hex code f7a2
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Hex code f7a3
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Hex code f7a4
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Hex code f7a5
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Hex code f7a6
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Hex code f7a7
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Hex code f7a8
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Hex code f7a9
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Hex code f7aa
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Hex code f7ab
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Hex code f7ac
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Hex code f7ad
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Hex code f7af
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Hex code f7b0
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Hex code f7b8
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Hex code f7b9
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Hex code f7ba
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Hex code f7bb
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Hex code f7bc
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Hex code f7bd
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Hex code f7be
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Hex code f7bf
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Hex code f7c0
HTML codes from 128960 to 129024
html code 🟀
Hex code f7c0
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Hex code f7c1
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Hex code f7c2
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Hex code f7c3
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Hex code f7c4
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Hex code f7c5
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Hex code f7c6
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Hex code f7c7
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Hex code f7c8
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Hex code f7c9
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Hex code f7ca
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Hex code f7cb
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Hex code f7d0
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Hex code f7d1
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Hex code f7d2
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Hex code f7d3
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Hex code f7d4
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Hex code f7d5
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Hex code f7d6
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Hex code f7d7
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Hex code f7d8
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Hex code f7d9
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Hex code f7da
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Hex code f7db
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Hex code f7dc
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Hex code f7dd
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Hex code f7de
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Hex code f7df
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Hex code f7e0
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Hex code f7e1
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Hex code f7e2
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Hex code f7e3
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Hex code f7e4
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Hex code f7e5
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Hex code f7e6
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Hex code f7e7
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Hex code f7e8
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Hex code f7e9
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Hex code f7ea
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Hex code f7eb
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Hex code f7ec
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Hex code f7ed
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Hex code f7ee
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Hex code f7ef
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Hex code f7f0
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Hex code f7f1
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Hex code f7f2
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Hex code f7f3
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Hex code f7f4
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Hex code f7f5
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Hex code f7f6
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Hex code f7f7
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Hex code f7f8
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Hex code f7f9
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Hex code f7fa
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Hex code f7fb
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Hex code f7fc
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Hex code f7fd
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Hex code f7fe
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Hex code f7ff
html code 🠀
Hex code f800