HTML Char-Codes
Last update:
There are 80 symbol, sign, image or character references.
The Emoticons Hex code range is between x1f600 to x1f64f, And between decimal html code from 128512 to 128591, Emoticons first reference is- 😀 and the last one is- 🙏
😀 😁 😂 😃 😄 😅 😆 😇 😈 😉 😊 😋 😌 😍 😎 😏 😐 😑 😒 😓 😔 😕 😖 😗 😘 😙 😚 😛 😜 😝 😞 😟 😠 😡 😢 😣 😤 😥 😦 😧 😨 😩 😪 😫 😬 😭 😮 😯 😰 😱 😲 😳 😴 😵 😶 😷 😸 😹 😺 😻 😼 😽 😾 😿 🙀 🙁 🙂 🙃 🙄 🙅 🙆 🙇 🙈 🙉 🙊 🙋 🙌 🙍 🙎 🙏 🙐
Notice! not sure you will see all sign, it depends on your local setting.HTML codes from 128512 to 128552
html code 😀
Hex code f600
html code 😁
Hex code f601
html code 😂
Hex code f602
html code 😃
Hex code f603
html code 😄
Hex code f604
html code 😅
Hex code f605
html code 😆
Hex code f606
html code 😇
Hex code f607
html code 😈
Hex code f608
html code 😉
Hex code f609
html code 😊
Hex code f60a
html code 😋
Hex code f60b
html code 😌
Hex code f60c
html code 😍
Hex code f60d
html code 😎
Hex code f60e
html code 😏
Hex code f60f
html code 😐
Hex code f610
html code 😑
Hex code f611
html code 😒
Hex code f612
html code 😓
Hex code f613
html code 😔
Hex code f614
html code 😕
Hex code f615
html code 😖
Hex code f616
html code 😗
Hex code f617
html code 😘
Hex code f618
html code 😙
Hex code f619
html code 😚
Hex code f61a
html code 😛
Hex code f61b
html code 😜
Hex code f61c
html code 😝
Hex code f61d
html code 😞
Hex code f61e
html code 😟
Hex code f61f
html code 😠
Hex code f620
html code 😡
Hex code f621
html code 😢
Hex code f622
html code 😣
Hex code f623
html code 😤
Hex code f624
html code 😥
Hex code f625
html code 😦
Hex code f626
html code 😧
Hex code f627
html code 😨
Hex code f628
html code 😩
Hex code f629
html code 😪
Hex code f62a
html code 😫
Hex code f62b
html code 😬
Hex code f62c
HTML codes from 128552 to 128592
html code 😨
Hex code f628
html code 😩
Hex code f629
html code 😪
Hex code f62a
html code 😫
Hex code f62b
html code 😬
Hex code f62c
html code 😭
Hex code f62d
html code 😮
Hex code f62e
html code 😯
Hex code f62f
html code 😰
Hex code f630
html code 😱
Hex code f631
html code 😲
Hex code f632
html code 😳
Hex code f633
html code 😴
Hex code f634
html code 😵
Hex code f635
html code 😶
Hex code f636
html code 😷
Hex code f637
html code 😸
Hex code f638
html code 😹
Hex code f639
html code 😺
Hex code f63a
html code 😻
Hex code f63b
html code 😼
Hex code f63c
html code 😽
Hex code f63d
html code 😾
Hex code f63e
html code 😿
Hex code f63f
html code 🙀
Hex code f640
html code 🙁
Hex code f641
html code 🙂
Hex code f642
html code 🙃
Hex code f643
html code 🙄
Hex code f644
html code 🙅
Hex code f645
html code 🙆
Hex code f646
html code 🙇
Hex code f647
html code 🙈
Hex code f648
html code 🙉
Hex code f649
html code 🙊
Hex code f64a
html code 🙋
Hex code f64b
html code 🙌
Hex code f64c
html code 🙍
Hex code f64d
html code 🙎
Hex code f64e
html code 🙏
Hex code f64f
html code 🙐
Hex code f650
html code 🙑
Hex code f651
html code 🙒
Hex code f652
html code 🙓
Hex code f653
html code 🙔
Hex code f654